Bois Bernard Private Hospital
Making appointments: 03 21 79 26 56
Secretariat: 03 21 79 26 36
Bois Bernard Private Hospital
Road to Neuvireuil - 62320 Bois Bernard

CCO - Orthopedic Surgery Center
Shoulder - Hand - Hip - Knee - Foot

The Orthopedic Surgery Center
The CCO team provide support:
of all skeletal pathologies
different joints, bones, tendons, etc.
except diseases of the spine (pathologies of the back)
This versatility requires several specialists
For a catch in charge optimal
The CCO brings you the expertise

Arthroscopy is a technique for performing a large number of interventions
Knee Surgery and ankle
Shoulder and Elbow Surgery
These Arthroscopic techniques allow the quick recovery
They most often perform in AMBULATORY

Infiltrative treatments
Inflammatory tendinopathies and bursitis
Rotator cuff tears
Shoulder instability ( Bankart Artroscopic Butée de Latarget )

The elbow

Hip Arthroplasties (Prostheses)
Posterior pathways
Anterior Ways
Prosthetic revision surgery

Infiltrative treatments
Management of knee osteoarthritis
Prosthetic revision surgery
Ligamentoplasties of the knee ( Ruptures of the cruciate ligaments )

Ankle Instability and Ligamentoplasties
Conflict antero-lateral and Osteochondritis
Hindfoot and subtalar arthrodesis
Arthrodeses tibiotalar
Posterior conflict and Haglund disease
Synovial cysts
Hallux Valgus surgery
Hallux surgery Rigidus
Arthrodeses of midfoot
The flat-valgus foot
Claw toes
Neuroma by Morton
Nail dystrophies

Pôle de Référence
des Pathologies Ostéo-articulaires